Cool sculpting at home. A personal journey to Self Adminstration

It is all the rage now to freeze your fat off instead of melt it and then suck it out as is the case with liposuction.  I ran across this technique while retrieving the mail Last week. A flyer advertising A revolutionary method of removing fat from the human body by freezing it off.

Developed by researchers at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA Zeltiq has proved a massive hit across America since being introduced a year ago.

I was fascinated by the concept.  It touted as being completely natural and noninvasive. Sign me up!  I said to myself.  But how much did it cost?  Upon looking further they wanted to charge anywhere between $700.00 to $1,500.00 to freeze just one spot.  Well, what if I have many spots than what?  Then one could spend their way into oblivion.

Freezing fat, huh?  Let’s look at this further.  I went to Utube and did a search for “cool sculpting”  I ran across an add for Zelig and watched while they sucked a patient’s skin right into an intense vacuum with no pain meds.  Squished their fatty area and froze it for an hour at a temperature they said low enough to crystallize fat and kill it but not cold enough to damage skin cells. the patients tried to be brave and say it didn’t hurt but one other video will show a guy squealing in pain from his skin being sucked up into this machine.  I mean think about it, how violent is that!     Humm.  A spot freezer huh?  Let’s look at this further.

Looking for a better solution? A home brewed solution? I did a search on google for cool sculpting and an article from Wikipedia emerged.  The beauty of Wikipedia is that in order for the article to be deemed an article references have to be cited and confirmed.  I loved That!   With my eyes peeled, I excitedly scrolled down to the references and clicked on the first one.  It was the original study done on Yucatan pigs!  Showing that,  fat chrysalises and dies at between 37 to 44.5 degrees F.

I remembered that my refrigerator is set for 40 degrees. although that isn’t that warm, It isn’t horribly cold either.  why then do we need such a violent machine to torture us?  Why can’t I just use an ice pack?  One of the reasons one can’t just use an ice pack one might argue is because, in the study of the Yucatan pigs, the temperature was evenly maintained.  Still, I went on the hunt for some ice packs and low and behold I came across Astral body sculpting method.  This method uses cool gel packs and a belt.  Now we’re talking, right?   I was about to purchase it but wanted to look even deeper.  I looked on amazon for perhaps a better price.  Nope, not there.  I looked on eBay, and found 20  large sheets of ice gel packs for $20.00 instead of the $89.00 Astral body sculpting wanted to charge me for a belt and a couple of thin gel packs.  I mean come on!  really????  that is the price of marketing and markup for a little bit. People have been icing thier injuries for years, why not just get an icing garment.  I ordered the 20 sheets of gel packs on eBay for $20.00.

Excited about this “new technology” and what I decided to do, I contacted my girlfriend to tell her about it.  Her only comment was, how can you maintain the ice at an even temperature?

Now mind you, I have a double chin, I really don’t like! and would like it gone.  the Zeltig machine can not treat that area.  I went on the hunt for facial icing compress and low and behold I discovered this machine called the Breg Polar Care Cube Cold Ice Pack.  It is a machine you fill with a little water and a whole lot of ice cubes.  the cold water circulates through the pad keeping it an even 55 degrees.  Well, that is a start.  I knew I needed a compressor.  I purchased one of these used on eBay and am awaiting it’s arrival with the gel packs.

Now I have a pump and I have some gel packs.

Referring back to the study, it said that the treated area is most affected if the skin is folded and compressed.  Wait, isn’t that what the Zzeltig machine does?  Yes, but for some reason, they also vacuum it up!!  Can we say Hickey? anyone?????

I went to the store and purchased some aluminum plates and some clamps.

I thought I might

  • Refrigerate the plates.
  • Place the clamps in the freezer
  •  Place glycol in some water to keep it from freezing and then place the water with glycol in the freezer and chill overnight.
  • Place the gel packs in large zip lock bags and in the freezer and freeze them overnight.
  • Then test the water for it’s temperature. make sure it is warm enough not to damage my skin but cold enough to chill my fat off.
  • Place some of the gel packs in the glycol water to keep that solution cold.
  • place a cloth over my skin to protect it.
  • fold my skin where I want the fat removed. and squish it between these plates and hold the plates with clamps. For according to the study compression was key but not too much compression.
  • Apply the cube pad over the metal plates to keep them cold and begin with the breg polar care unit to keep the plates cold.  Monitor the temp with a thermometer/thermocouple.
  • and wait for 1 hour.

I mean why not?  Why would I need a machine to torture me, when I can do it all on my own.  According to the study, the researchers did not utilize any fancy equipment other than something to keep the plates at an even temp.

So I thought I would try the same.  Why not.  right?

Stay tuned, I will keep you posted.

July, 20, 2014

It has been almost a year since I started the experiment
Thank you all, for your interest in my article “cool sculpting at home” It was an exciting journey of exploration and intrigue.

When I began this journey I was looking for an easy way out of what has been a difficult journey for me since going into my 40′s…. loosing weight.

In my 20′s and even my 30′s it was easy for me to gain and loose weight. To loose weight I simply cut back on my food intake and with in a few months all the pounds were gone. Somewhere after I had my first child at 38, that all went away and my metabolism slowed an I ended up with Metabolic SyndromeX.

I have had many people email me profanities telling me that It is NOT possible to reduce food and calories and NOT loose weight.   I am here to tell you it IS entirely possible IF you have ruined your metabolism like I did in my youth by starving oneself in order to stay thin.  The body can not get proper nutrition to keep it going. Now in my 50’s, I am having to fight back to an uphill battle to repair my metabolism!

How in the world did that happen? I have no history of diabetes mellitus, I have kept a pretty active life style but what I did find out is the inappropriate eating and exercising habits of my youth caught up to me and well, pregnancy brought on what had been festering all along, my body screaming at me to ‘STOP THE INSAINITY” begin concentrating on obtaining a healthy lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!! but because I didn’t know, I ended up with Metabolic syndrome X.

What in the world is that, right? Syndrome X is what I will call it, is a condition where your body is in a high cholesterol state and does not process the blood sugars correctly. It can be controlled by diet but when I was considering freezing my fat off I was at the stage in my syndrome X where CUTTING CALORIES ACTUALLY MADE ME GAIN WIEIGHT! It was like, What the heck?…….. We have always heard, to loose weight you must take in less calories than you need and burn more calories SO THERE IS AN OVERALL DEFICIET TO FORCE YOUR FAT CELLS TO RELEASE FUEL. However, in Syndrome X the fat cells begin ” WORKING FOR YOUR SELF PRESERVATION” which means they do not leak fat of the adipose tissue at all. in fact ALL FOOD CONSUMED IS STORED IN THE ADIPOSE TISSUE, PERIOD!!. instead of released.  You are essentially starving to death even though you are eating food. Your metabolism seems like it is all backwards and turned around. but in fact it is doing what it is supposed to do. maintain your sustenance in the case of an emergency. However by the time you are in syndrome X, your body perceives you are in an emergency and must be in self preservation mode. your cortisol is high, there is a lot of inflammation going on in the body and your liver stops its ability to process fats coming in, and hopefully fats leaked into the system as stored fuel.

The first thing I did to get a handle on it is, address YEAST!   I was able to obtain Fluconazole medication to take 100 mg once a day for a year. This is a yeast killing medicine. So what does yeast have to do with fat? It has to do with a lot. Remember I said that my body was in a state of emergency and inflammation and stress? A yeast over run can put your body at high stress. Getting it under control is extremely important. Remember how when having syndrome X means you can’t process your blood sugars correctly. For me, they were very high. Yeast thrive in a high sugar environment and spit out aciditic waste causing your body to be in further high stress state. So to control this I used baking soda solution 1/2 tp with 1/2 cup drank this once every morning and then took the fluconozole 100 mg daily for one year. Getting a doctor to prescribe this for a year is hard but not undoable!  I encourage anyone with a sweet tooth, to continue to visit different doctors until they will prescribe this medication for you!  It saved me greatly!  But also, you must take a probiotic too!

Next, in November I read an article that stated that those with Syndrome X required more muscle mass than their body’s total mass. So I began with a weight trainer training twice a week to power lift. I don’t mean lifting multiple reps at low intensity, I mean, lifting extremely high weight as heavy as I can lift for low repetitions up to six. once I hit 10 reps at that weight I increase it again.

Ladies, you do not have to worry about getting huge arms and huge bulky muscles. It is physically impossible for you to as long as you do not take testosterone or hormone replacements, you will just get stronger and more lean. you will just get tighter muscle bands that are strong enough to actually lift something instead of having to ask someone to lift it for you… ;o)

While I was learning to power lift, I continued to do my research. Everything pointed to my fat cells grabbing and storing so I wanted to know what my fat cells had to do with my metabolism, it turns out YOUR FAT CELLS HAVE EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR metabolism!! FREEZING AN KILLING YOUR FAT CELLS MEANS FREEZING AND KILLING YOUR MATABOLIZM FURTHER. I suggest making peace with these previous enemies. and find a way to use them to your advantage!

If you want a fast way to permanent Syndrome X, try destroying your Adipose tissue. Your active organ of your metabolism. This organ releases a hormone call adiponectin. If you can release adiponectin into the system, it will reduce inflammation, cut your hunger and trigger your fat cells to leak it’s contents of triglycerides. which is water, glycerol and omega 3,6,9. glycerol is converted to glucose, your body’s main source of energy , water is used as, water and the fatty acids are used for the rest of the body. We have learned to loath our adipose tissue ( our fat) but getting it to work for us now that is the trick…It really is our friend.

The second organ that is key to your adipose tissue is your liver.  If you have fatty liver like I now do, there is a cure.  Eating foods with high choline and betaine content in them. Here is a good place to start to find out more info on it:

The last ex-rayI had at the doctor’s showed my liver was so engulfed in fatty tissue it was working at 20%.

So cool sculpting at home wasn’t the key I thought it was. because I was proposing to KILL MY ADIPOSE TISSUE ALL OVER MY BODY, it was time to look at this from a different angle.


I purchased a very expensive lipolazer machine. I calculated how much it would cost me for a full body lipo laser and then how much it would cost me for one of those medical lipo laser machines and it turned out is was less expensive to just purchase the machine. However, I purchased my machine just after they came out onto the market.  Now you can get them on ebay for about $1000.00 for a machine with 14 paddles.  I recommend getting two machines because as 14 paddles sound like a lot, it can only do 1/2 an area such as one top of a leg so you need two 90 min sessions to two legs.  24 paddles is better and give you better results. Although they are considered “medical devices”  they are legal to purchase and own for personal use.

But what about a doctor right? it turns out he/she only turns on the machine, the machine activates the ADDIPOSE TISSUE TO REALEASE IT’S CONTENTS AND ADIPONECTIN. So you don’t need a doctor to turn on the machine, you need to own the machine so that you don’t have to keep paying the doctor to do a simple task,… turn on a machine…..The adipose tissue continues to “sweat” out its contents for 48 hours after treatment and thus, increase my metabolism, force the fat cells to do what I needed them to do an adiponectin curbs my appetite so I don’t need to eat as often. Although I now eat a healthy diet of meat, fruits and vegetables. But what you do need to do is check your blood sugars before and after treatment. If you do not and have an underlying blood sugar problem that you have not addressed you could cause other systems to go arie. So you just need to get a blood sugar monitoring thingy at the pharmacy and have them show you how to use it. If you have a blood sugar issue, try getting a perscrption for metformin.

Also, another concept to keep in mind, is that the liver and pancreas will be heavily relied upon to process the “fuel” you are dumping into the system.  Therefore, if you are not getting results from the machine either check your settings if they are strong( full throttle all settings on high) and you are still not getting results, check with your doctor for liver function. If your liver is slow like mine was, then treat it with choline and betaineas if you have alcohol induced fatty liver desease.

I hook up to the machine daily first thing in the morning. I have my own fat cell contents for breakfast. I focus on different parts of my body each day. I power lift weights twice a week and try to walk or swim any alternative days I am not power lifting.

So how did it go to cool sculpt at home? I didn’t do it! I didn’t because, I learned killing your fat cells means killing your metabolism and It was already working backwards. I didn’t want Syndrome X for the rest of my life. I feel making an investment in the laser lipo machine where I did not have liposuction but only heated my fat cells and getting my blood sugars and yeast under control is what is making my body smaller. you don’t need to have the fat sucked out in order for it to go away. Once it is melted, your endocrine system picks up the excess fluids from your fat cells and distributes it to the appropriate parts of your body and you become smaller.

I am only doing with the laser lipo machine what my fat cells are supposed to be doing while I am exercising anyway. I am forcing them to work where they were not working normally before. Oddly enough when they finally do empty, they will begin to work normally.

If you plan to buy a medical grade lipo lazer machine , you need to have a doctor friend help you order one and be prepared to mortgage your house to get one. I think we should be able to get a prescription for one of these machines and have insurance pay for it. But that is a long way away. To me it was worth it because it was forcing a natural but positive process that wasn’t happening on its own that would help me not be on medicines. this machine was my medicine.

I have tried my machine on my friends and am getting similar results too we are all shrinking. So it turns out, you don’t need to be violent to your body and traumatize it to become smaller, you only need to work with its natural ability but enhance it’s function by machines that can do just that ( if necessary).

Happy body sculpting…


  1. Anil Reddy · · Reply

    I like your expressions in writing… feels like you are next to me talking.
    Have you had success with your experiment? Please advise on tricks and techniques.
    Massive thank you in advance.


  2. Jackie · · Reply

    So, what’s happened?????

  3. I’m reading your article about fat freezing at home….did it work????

    1. Thank you all, for your interest in my article “cool sculpting at home” It was an exciting journey of exploration and intrigue.

      When I began this journey I was looking for an easy way out of what has been a difficult journey for me since going into my 40’s…. loosing weight.

      In my 20’s and even my 30’s it was easy for me to gain and loose weight. To loose weight I simply cut back on my food intake and with in a few months all the pounds were gone. Somewhere after I had my first child at 38, that all went away and my metabolism slowed an I ended up with Metabolic SyndromeX.

      How in the world did that happen? I have no history of diabetes mellitus, I have kept a pretty active life style but what I did find out is the inappropriate eating and exercising habits of my youth caught up to me and well, pregnancy brought on what had been festering all along, my body screaming at me to ‘STOP THE INSAINITY” begin concentrating on obtaining a healthy lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!! but because I didn’t know, I ended up with Metabolic syndrome X.

      What in the world is that, right? Syndrome X is what I will call it, is a condition where your body is in a high cholesterol state and does not process the blood sugars correctly. It can be controlled by diet but when I was considering freezing my fat off I was at the stage in my syndrome X where CUTTING CALORIES ACTUALLY MADE ME GAIN WIEIGHT! It was like, What the heck?…….. We have always heard, to loose weight you must take in less calories than you need and burn more calories SO THERE IS AN OVERALL DEFICIET TO FORCE YOUR FAT CELLS TO RELEASE FUEL. However, in Syndrome X the fat cells begin ” WORKING FOR YOUR SELF PRESERVATION” which means they do not leak fat of the adipose tissue at all. in fact ALL FOOD CONSUMED IS STORED IN THE ADIPOSE TISSUE. instead of released. You are essentially starving to death even though you are eating food. Your metabolism seems like it is all backwards and turned around. but in fact it is doing what it is supposed to do. maintain your sustenance in case of an emergency. However by the time you are in syndrome X, your body perceives you are in an emergency and must be in self preservation mode. your cortisol is high and there is a lot of inflammation going on in the body.

      The first thing I did to get a handle on it is take a years worth of daily pill of fluonozole. This is a yeast killing medicine. So what does yeast have to do with fat? It has to do with a lot. Remember I said that my body was in a state of emergency and inflammation and stress? A yeast over run can put your body at high stress. Getting it under control is extremely important. Remember how when having syndrome X means you can’t process your blood sugars correctly. For me they were very high. Yeast thrive in a high sugar environment and spit out aciditic waste causing your body to be in a high stress state. So to control this I used baking soda solution 1/2 tp with 1/2 cup drank this once every morning and then took the fluconozole 100 mg daily for one year. Getting a doctor to prescribe this for a year is hard but not undoable!

      Next, in November I read an article that stated that those with Syndrome X required more muscle mass than their body’s total mass. So I began with a weight trainer training twice a week to power lift. I don’t mean lifting multiple reps at low intensity, I mean, lifting extremely high weight as heavy as I can lift for low repetitions up to six. once I hit 10 reps at that weight I increase it again.

      Ladies, you do not have to worry about getting huge arms and huge bulky muscles. It is physically impossible for you to as long as you do not take testosterone or hormone replacements, you will just get stronger and more lean. you will just get tighter muscle bands that are strong enough to actually lift something instead of having to ask someone to lift it for you…

      While I was learning to power lift, I continued to do my research. Everything pointed to my fat cells grabbing and storing so I wanted to know what my fat cells had to do with my metabolism, it turns out YOUR FAT CELLS HAVE EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR metabolism!! FREEZING AN KILLING YOUR FAT CELLS MEANS FREEZING AND KILLING YOUR MATABOLIZM FURTHER.

      If you want a fast way to permanent Syndrome X, try destroying your Adipose tissue. Your active organ of your metabolism. This organ releases a hormone call adiponectin. If you can release adiponectin into the system, it will reduce inflammation, cut your hunger and trigger your fat cells to leak it’s contents of triglycerides. which is water, glycerol and omega 3,6,9. glycerol is converted to glucose, your body’s main source of energy , water is used as, water and the fatty acids are used for the rest of the body. We have learned to loath our adipose tissue ( our fat) but getting it to work for us now that is the trick…It really is our friend.

      So cool sculpting at home wasn’t the key I thought it was. because I was proposing to KILL MY ADIPOSE TISSUE ALL OVER MY BODY, it was time to look at this from a different angle.


      I purchased a very expensive lipolazer machine. I calculated how much it would cost me for a full body lipo laser and then how much it would cost me for one of those medical lipo laser machines and it turned out is was less expensive to just purchase the machine.

      But what about a doctor right? it turns out he/she only turns on the machine, the machine activates the ADDIPOSE TISSUE TO REALEASE IT’S CONTENTS AND ADIPONECTIN. So you don’t need a doctor to turn on the machine, you need to own the machine so that you don’t have to keep paying the doctor to do a simple task,… turn on a machine…..The adipose tissue continues to “sweat” out its contents for 48 hours after treatment and thus, increase my metabolism, force the fat cells to do what I needed them to do an adiponectin curbs my appetite so I don’t need to eat as often. Although I now eat a healthy diet of meat, fruits and vegetables. But what you do need to do is check your blood sugars before and after treatment. If you do not and have an underlying blood sugar problem that you have not addressed you could cause other systems to go arie. So you just need to get a blood sugar monitoring thingy at the pharmacy and have them show you how to use it. If you have a blood sugar issue, try getting a perscrption for metformin.

      I hook up to the machine daily first thing in the morning. I have my own fat cell contents for breakfast. I focus on different parts of my body each day. I power lift weights twice a week and try to walk or swim any alternative days I am not power lifting.

      So how did it go to cool sculpt at home? I didn’t do it! I didn’t because, I learned killing your fat cells means killing your metabolism and It was already working backwards. I didn’t want Syndrome X for the rest of my life. I feel making an investment in the laser lipo machine where I did not have liposuction but only heated my fat cells and getting my blood sugars and yeast under control is what is making my body smaller. you don’t need to have the fat sucked out in order for it to go away. Once it is melted, your endocrine system picks up the excess fluids from your fat cells and distributes it to the appropriate parts of your body and you become smaller.

      I am only doing with the laser lipo machine what my fat cells are supposed to be doing while I excursing anyway. I am forcing them to work where they were not working normally before. Oddly enough when they finally do empty, they will begin to work normally.

      There are many machines being sold on ebay for smaller amounts of money than I paid for my machine. I tried those before purchasing the ‘REAL” machine. However, be careful…. they are fake machines. they are only LED lights. Can we say red flash light anyone? THEY DO NOT WORK!! If you plan to buy a real medical grade lipo lazer machine , you need to have a doctor friend help you order one and be prepared to mortgage your house to get one. I think we should be able to get a prescription for one of these machines and have insurance pay for it. But that is a long way away. To me it was worth it because it was forcing a natural but positive process that wasn’t happening on its own that would help me not be on medicines. this machine was my medicine.

      I have tried my machine on my friends and am getting similar results too we are all shrinking. So it turns out, you don’t need to be violent to your body and traumatize it to become smaller, you only need to work with its natural ability but enhance it’s function by machines that can do just that ( if necessary).

      Happy body sculpting…

  4. Hi, This is a good post, indeed a great job. You must have done good research for the work, i appreciate your efforts.. Looking for more updates from your side. Thanks

  5. Coolsculpting costs around $1000 and it can go well beyond that and blue fat freeze system costs just $400 and both work on the same coolsculpting process. Blue has an added advantage of being used at home while resting.

  6. Have you tried eating Keto? I, like so many others now have metabolic syndrome X too and this has helped me to not only lose weight but my lipids, Fasting blood sugar, A1C, blood pressure, have improved! The Atkins diet is a version of Keto so you may be somewhat familiar to the idea. Best of health!

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